Die Hard Arcade: More Than Just a Movie Tie-In
“Die Hard Arcade,” known in Japan as “Dynamite Deka,” is a seminal title in the beat ‘em up genre, released by Sega in 1996. It...
Has the Internet Robbed Games of their Hidden Treasures?
In the pre-internet era discovering secrets in games, particularly arcade games, was often a matter of trial and error or word-of-mouth. Today, a simple online...
Bushnell’s Law: A Timeless Guideline or a Relic in the Age of Complex Games?
Nolan Bushnell was the mastermind behind Atari and the visionary who coined “Bushnell’s Law.” This gaming philosophy champions the notion that electronic games should be...
Pixelated Springfield: The Enduring Charm of The Simpsons Arcade Game
The Simpsons Arcade Game, as if you did not know, is a side-scrolling beat ’em up developed and published by Konami. First released in 1991,...